recently work part time job for AMAX WIMAX
lol..broadband again ar!!!
y my job always is broadband gah..
work for digi,celcom n amax wimax
when i wil work for maxis,P1 wimax leh???
tis job i work from 31.11-6.12
act i cn work for pc fair..
in order to see him so i choosed to work at low yat wit the salary only rm60/day
*my dear nw work at sg for tattoo stuff jor
mou bin la..
guai giu ngo oi lei meh..><
the following r photo of my work~
zhi lian me~=]
ugly me..caz im miss him much n much..
nobody noe hw much i miss u
nobody noe hw deep i love u
nobody noe hw much i need u
bt i hope u noe tat~
my dear,i hope u cn spend ur free time on me~~
it only wat i wan the most!!!
cn u do tat??
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